
Chain Stitch

AKA Tambour Stitch or Point de Chainette

Chain Stitch Diagram

Step 1: Bring needle up at the point labeled 1. Bring the needle down at the same point. Leave a little loop of floss on the top of the fabric.

Step 2: Bring your needle up at the point labeled 2 making sure that the needle is on the inside of the previous loop. Pull the previous loop taut. Bring your needle down at the point labeled 2 leaving a small loop of thread on the top of the fabric.

Step 3: Bring the needle up at the point labeled 3 making sure the needle is on the inside of the previous loop. Pull the previous loop taut. Bring the needle down at the point labeled 3 leaving a small loop on the top of the fabric. Continue in this pattern for the length of the line to be stitched. The last stitch will be tacked down with a small Straight Stitch to hold the loop in place.


Chain Stitch samples using 1 and 2 strands of floss.


Chain Stitch samples using 3 and 4 strands of floss.


Chain Stitch samples using 5 and 6 strands of floss.