Couched Filling Stitch Diagram
Step 1: Make long horizontal Straight Stitches across the width of the space to be filled. These stitches should be evenly spaced. Don’t worry if these stitches are a little wobbly because they cover a long distance. They will be straightened out in a later step.
Step 2: Make long vertical Straight Stitches across the height of the space to be filled. These stitches should be evenly spaced.
Step 3: Make a Cross Stitch at all of the intersections of the previous stitches. These stitches will hold the long stitches in place.
Example of how the wonkiness of the long Straight Stitches are fixed by the Cross Stitches.
Examples of Couched Filling Stitch using 1-6 strands of floss.