Couching Diagram
Step 1: If couching floss, bring the floss to the front of the fabric. If item being couched is too large to go through the fabric, lay it on top of the fabric. Next switch to the floss that will hold the floss to the fabric. Bring the needle up at the point labeled 1. Bring the needle down at the point labeled 2 making sure to go around item being couched.
Step 2: Bring needle up at the point labeled 3. Bring the needle down at the point labeled 4 making sure to go around the item being couched.
Step 3: Bring the needle up at the point labeled 5. Bring the needle down at the point labeled 6 making sure to go around the item being couched. Continue in this pattern for the entire length to be couched. The spacing of the tack stitches can vary in order to hold the floss along a curve more accurately.
Couching samples using 1-6 strands of floss.