It’s been a long time coming. Going on three years ago two sisters sat together during winter holiday celebrations and the seeds for this business were planted. Well, maybe the seeds were planted back in 1988 when we each had elaborate hand stitching projects going while we attended junior high school. Regardless – it’s been a long journey, and we’re delighted to share this cozy corner of the internet with you.
Some sample stitches done by York.
Boston and York (named for dogs we have loved – a Yorkshire terrier and a Boston terrier) is where you can learn about hand stitching and stitches. York did 100 stitches for the 100 day project a few years ago and through the process of learning and documenting the process for each stitch stumbled upon something wonderful: hand drawings animated to show the process for making the stitch. Most of these videos are under 30 seconds. Boston noticed that when trying a new stitch or a forgotten stitch these videos were just the ticket – so quick and quiet and easy to follow. York kept going and you’ll find these videos here.
We also love stitching on prints, so you’ll find inspiring projects and stitch guides for prints designed by us here. Coming on down the road we hope to produce downloadable patterns, kits, and more.
Two examples of Boston & York stitching on prints. Boston’s interpretation is on the left. York’s is on the right.